Our Vision

Our vision is to see people in tough places flourish.

Our Mission

Through our community services and initiatives, we empower and support local people experiencing significant life challenges towards emotional, social, economic and spiritual wellbeing.

Our social impact in 2023


People in our community were supported and nurtured through the work of LifeCare.


Women and children were supported through Family Violence Programs.


Families and individuals were mentored to set and achieve life goals.


People received financial mentoring.


People were provided counselling.


Households received pantry hampers (3416 pantry hampers distributed).


Big Boxes of Kindness were distributed to households doing it tough financially at Christmas.


People participated in community gatherings for the isolated, lonely and vulnerable.

LifeCare Essentials

Crossway LifeCare have eight essential principles that guide its work:

Supporting people in tough places

Our primary vision is to be supporting people in our local communities that are experiencing significant life challenges. LifeCare’s programs revolve around benevolent purposes particularly for those struggling in areas of life such as: social isolation and loneliness, mental health problems, family violence, economic disadvantage.

Offer a hand up, not a hand out

We develop our services according to asset based community development principles rather than welfare models. We are interested to empower people to stand on their own feet and provide opportunities for people to participate and contribute in community.

Holistic Support - Person centred, Culturally responsive, Child safe

LifeCare provide a range of services with the aim to be able to support people from multiple angles such as mental health support, family violence recovery, food provision, financial support, mentoring, friendship and community. Providing an environment where children and families are safe is of upmost priority.

Faith based, not faith biased

LifeCare’s staff culture, values and practices are centred around Christian faith. We seek to model Jesus in our lives and our work. We are thoroughly inclusive in our services, supporting people from all backgrounds and walks of life.

Culture of organisational excellence

LifeCare maintain a culture of excellence and best practice in the services we provide. We are committed to continuous improvement and quality risk management to maintain high standards as a community health organisation.

Outward expression of the church for the benefit of the local community

While everyone needing support is welcome at LifeCare, we position ourselves as an outward expression of the local church. LifeCare’s services reach beyond the congregation aiming to impact the broader local community.

Building capacity to care in others

Our dedicated team work intentionally resource, equip and empower Crossway campuses and local communities to build peoples ’capacity to care and support the church’s culture of care.

Integrated to campus

Lifecare is committed to understanding the local context of each Crossway campus and developing services that meet local needs in culturally appropriate ways.

For more information