Ali’s Story: From Chaos to Medical School


LifeCare has already made a difference in the lives of many individuals and families and with your help, together we can see more people flourish in our community. Here’s how LifeCare helped one single mum and her family of five children:

A series of tragic and sad events set my life on a different path. I was overwhelmed with responsibility. I felt like a failure because I so wanted my marriage to work. I felt trapped and alone. I first came to LifeCare to talk about a coach for my son Robert but what I loved was that my whole family was considered. I felt a weight come off my shoulders and it was very easy to feel comfortable.

Robert’s coach relationship kicked off from the start – they set goals together and had a lot of fun. My younger son saw this and asked for a coach as well. I was feeling very disorganised and chaotic so they asked if I’d like to have a coach myself. Julie and I clicked straight away. She gave me some fantastic strategies for organisation and encouraged me to set goals. She set me up to actually achieve my short term goal to do nursing. I got really good marks and passed the entry exam to get into med school. That was after being at home bringing up five children for fourteen years full time – and I didn’t know how to switch a computer on until I met Julie.

My whole family was embraced. My eldest daughter was struggling and Crossway was involved in sourcing a more supportive school. She’s at university now. I had grief counselling as I was coping with the death of my child. I also accessed the financial services – even living on a shoe-string there are things you can do.

Now my life is so different. My heart is open to new possibilities, I feel focused and strong and a part of the community. Every single person I come across, even if it’s fleeting, I hope that person feels better about who they are after they have contact with me – because that’s what LifeCare did for me and my family. We can’t do it alone, no-one can.